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The Semi-Circle Festivals


The Semi-Circle has a long tradition of supporting and participating in English language theater festivals in both Switzerland and Europe. This began in 1987 with the first Festival of English Theater (FEST) held in Berne.  The Festival took place in April 1987 in the Theater am Kafiturm and was hosted by Upstage (Berne) with the support of The Semi-Circle. The groups taking part included Upstage, The SC and and eight other English Language Theater groups from around Switzerland*. This first Festival was a great success and led to four further events in the eighties and nineties. 

The most prestigious and most often attended Festival for the SC has been FEATS, an invitation only, long running English language theater festival for the European mainland. As you can see below the SC has had, and continues to enjoy, considerable success with their productions at this major European celebration of English language theater.


* A report on this first festival written by Richard Levitt and published in the "I Remember Mama" programme of 1988 can be read via the links below. 



Chronology of The Semi-Circle Productions performed at

National and International Festivals


FEATS – Festival of European Anglophone Theatrical Societies

FEST –   Festival of English Speaking Theatre in Switzerland

BAWF –  British All Winners Festival (arranged by The National Drama Festivals Association)

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