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The Semi-Circle productions
All the performances presented by the Semi-Circle from 1975 to the present are included here. Information regarding SC performances at Festivals can be found on the separate Festivals page.
A detailed listing of productions from 1976 to the present are shown below with links to the available information. Please note that the very first Semi-Circle performance was a reading in May 1975 of Oscar Wilde's "Lord Arthur Savile's Crime". This is not listed below as we (currently) have no documentation to show you.
A full list of the more than two hundred plays/musicals/readings/workshops & variety shows presented by The Semi-Circle can also be viewed here.
If any visitor to the site has any documents or photos which they can provide to help fill in the gaps in the information provided please contact me.
Finally a huge thank you to all the flyer/poster designers, programme compilers and, especially to all the photographers over the years who have generously given their time to the Semi-Circle and, most importantly, for allowing us to use their images in the collections illustrated below.
Please note that none of the images may be further disseminated without the express permission of The Semi-Circle.
Michael Bray (Archivist)
Semi-Circle productions 1976 - 1985
Semi-Circle productions 1986 -1990
Semi-Circle productions 1991 - 1995
Semi-Circle productions 1996 - 2000
Semi-Circle productions 2001 - 2005
Semi-Circle productions 2006 - 2010
Semi-Circle productions 2011 - 2015
Semi-Circle productions 2016 - 2020
Semi-Circle productions 2021 - 2025